


Nine recipients were awarded the 六月自由奖 for their work in the community by "building bridges to the generations."

Coretta Scott King, an activist, author, and the widow of civil rights leader Dr. 马丁·路德·金. said, “Freedom is never really won, you earn it and win it with every generation.” 

The spirit of King’s mess年龄 was evident in Redlands this month, when Unity in the Community (UIC) — a partnership of local Black churches, 雷德兰兹警察局, and the 威尼斯人平台 — partnered on a two-day, 六月节庆祝活动, marking the anniversary of when federal troops arrived in Galveston, 6月19日德克萨斯州, 1865, and were able to take control of the last state that allowed slavery. Almost two and half years after President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation and two months after the end of the Civil War, 六月节 celebrates the true end of slavery in America and was deemed a federal holiday in June 2021.  

The 六月自由奖s Reception was held June 16 on campus at the U of R celebrating the theme “Building Bridges to the Generations.” At the ceremony, nine awardees were honored with the 六月自由奖.


Dr. 詹妮弗·蒂尔顿 is a professor at the U of R who has conducted extensive research work on the history and contributions of African Americans who lived within the Redlands community. 

州议员詹姆斯·拉莫斯说 for always recognizing the importance of diversity and inclusion, 继续提升有色人种社区的地位. 

乔·理查森, 民权律师, 前规划专员, and civil rights advocate in the City of Redlands and the Inland Empire. 

特拉维斯马丁内斯, 雷德兰兹警察局副局长, is a Redlands native and strong supporter of Unity in the Community Inc. 和雷德兰兹六月节. 

通路教堂 for its support and help to create media for the educational program, “被执法部门拦下时该怎么做.“教会提供了工作人员和自己的设备. 

Kelechi Amboi, who serves on the Redlands Human Relations Commission and is a Redlands East Valley High School student representative of the Black Student Union. 

盖尔·霍华德 is a Redlands native who has been a strong advocate for victims of gun violence. 

马里奥•Saucedo 雷德兰兹议员, received the Special Recognition Award for seven years of leadership as the Founding Co-Chair of UIC and for the work as founder of Common Vision Coalition. 

安东尼牧师. 绿色 received the Special Recognition Award for seven years of leadership as the Founding Chair at UIC and for active community work as the Pastor of The Vill年龄 SBC. 

六月节庆祝活动s continued with a basketball tournament held at the Redlands Community Center. 在周六, 活动, 比如艺术和手工艺, 游戏, 显示, 食品摊贩, 为孩子和家庭举办的活动在森林公园举行. 音乐和赠品也在滑板场举行.  

六月节 flag in front of the U of R Administration Building at the Inaugural 六月节 Celebration Flag Ceremony.

克里斯托弗·琼斯.D., 高级多元化和包容性官员, shared with the 斗牛犬的博客 some of the history of 六月节 and resources for people interested in learning more.  

斗牛犬的博客: Are there any details in the history of 六月节 that should be noted? 

Christopher Jones: What is important to be noted is that 六月节 is a day when we should recognize this country’s past in all its truth.  似乎, 作为一个国家, that we are at an interesting time when some want historical facts to be determined by political fiat.  It is necessary that all of us continue to confront what America means to us, 不管是舒服还是不舒服.  Ms. 蛋白石李, often recognized as the “Grandmother of 六月节” for her efforts to see the day recognized as a federal holiday, said it best when she said that 六月节 recognizes when the enslaved in Texas were told they had been freed two years and a half years earlier by the Emancipation Proclamation.  “这不是黑人的事.  我们谈论的是每个人的自由.在采访中,伊万卡说. Lee did for us at the U of R is a part of our own history that I suggest to people, 可在 这个链接 

BB: What are some resources for people to learn more about 六月节 or other facets of Black history? 

CJ: When you ask about resources, there are so many, whether in print or online.  We are fortunate here at the 威尼斯人平台 to have faculty with expertise who are resources with the courses offered, especially in our Race and Ethnic Studies department in the College of Arts and Sciences.  此外,我还经常为人们指点这个网站 Association for the Study of African American Life and History, which puts out the theme for Black History Month each year.  对于六月节,我特别推荐 六月遗产计划 或者女士. 奥珀尔·李的网站, 六月节增值 

BB: What was your favorite event from the celebration at the U of R?

CJ:我最喜欢的活动是升旗.  这可能是我从军经历的后遗症, but it is always a special thing for me to see the symbols, 像旗帜.  A flag-raising always gives an opportunity to reflect on the symbolism that a flag reflects. It’s a very personal experience for me, and I presume it is the same for others. 

阅读詹妮弗·蒂尔顿教授的Q&A与牛头犬博客,点击 这个链接.

如需了解更多CDI信息,请单击 这个链接.  To learn more about Race and Ethnic Studies at the U of R, click 这个链接. 要了解有关UIC的更多信息,请单击 这个链接.